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6th hole, Lahinch golf links – Print

Mixed Media
58 x 47 cms

Exclusive to Lahinch Art Gallery

Limited Edition

6th   Hole Lahinch Golf Links


Kathryn Caligan, an accomplished artist known for her stunning landscapes, captured the beauty and essence of the 6th hole at Lahinch Golf Club in her painting. The artwork portrays the iconic golf course with a vibrant color palette that brings the scene to life.

Her unique fun style is great because you don’t have to like golf to appreciate her paintings.

In the painting, viewers can see the 6th hole, flanked by rugged sand dunes and framed by the majestic Atlantic Ocean in the background.

The 6th Hole painting was commissioned by Lahinch Art Gallery.

There is a limited edition prints of 195 available.

Rory McIlroy has his home course – Hollywood painting by Kathryn and Shane Lowry has home course Esker Hills painting.


Free shipping nationwide on originals with the exception of paintings framed with glass.


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