John Collins
Artist Profile

Metalwork and sculpture were not initially part of this artist’s journey. Inspiration struck during a blacksmithing weekend course some years ago, where they were captivated by the material being transformed by fire. The workshop’s smell, the heat on their face, the colors of the fire, and the demand for concentration felt like discovering a new kind of music for the first time. The artist feels fortunate and privileged to work with their hands on something they love, continuously developing a relationship with a material that has shaped their personal life journey as much as it has provided professional satisfaction.

Their design ethos has two approaches: first, to build a sustainable business model that contributes to the economic well-being of their community in Northwest Donegal; second, to create objects of beauty influenced by natural design, bringing warmth, flow, and color to both interior and exterior environments. Influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement of William Morris and the Bauhaus movement of Walter Gropius, the artist integrates these seemingly contradictory design philosophies into their creative process.

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